Dolphins Call Each Other By Name


 Dolphins call each other by name

Vervit monkeys recognize each other by their voices. This is how songs birds recognize each other by comparing their voices. Getting to know each other is especially important for every animal that lives in the form of a herd or one that meets on a daily basis from a visit. This is necessary so that there is no conflict. If someone has recently lost to another, the lost animal will not try to fight again. This recognition is also important for the animals living in the group so that they can recognize each other and strengthen the relationship between them. Could be

These characteristics are also found in humans. We recognize each other on the basis of shape sounds.

But the most important means is that we name each other and recognize each other by these names. We call each other by these names.

These rare features we share with bottlenecks dolphins

Bottlenecks dolphins live in groups and make a special kind of sound based on which they knew each other. This feature became known when an experiment showed that it had everything it had. Reporting with a specific type of sound indicates that this one

They know each other. A little dolphin stays with its parents for eight years, during which time a strong bond develops between them. However, their colony moves from place to place in search of food. But even then, during the stampede, they have a strong relationship and Er recognizes each other.

During the first few months of each dolphin's development, they produce a specific type of sound called a signature whistle. This sound is long lasting and changes very rarely. It is used as its name.

A dolphin recognizes the signature whistle of about eight different dolphins. This shows how a dolphin recognizes the voices of its members.


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