Thyroid Gland Detail

 What is the thyroid gland and its various functions and diseases caused by it

The thyroid gland is located on both sides below the larynx and above the trachea. It is the largest endocrine gland in the human body and weighs 15-20 grams.

It releases two types of hormones called thyroxine (t3) and triiodothyronine (t4). Both of these hormones work to increase the body's metabolic rate.

Thyroid hormone secretion is controlled by the primary TSH, which is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.

The thyroid gland also releases the hormone calcitonine, which helps in the metabolism of calcium.

Physiological anatomy of thyroid gland

The thyroid gland consists of tiny closed cells called follicles. It is surrounded by cubidal epithelial cells that secrete follicles secrete a substance called colloid. These are mostly thyroglublin proteins. This protein makes thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland also contains c cells that release the hormone calcitonin.

Iodine required for formation of thyroxine


The presence of iodine is essential for the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Each year 50 mg of iodine is required in the form of iodides. Salt is iodized to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body.


Whenever we eat it, it enters the bloodstream through the intestines. Normally, most of the kidneys remove iodides from the body. Thyroid hormone synthesizes thyroid hormone by taking iodine from the blood cells of the thyroid gland.

Formation of thyroxine and triiodothyronine

The cells of the thyroid gland are the cells that secrete proteins. The endoplasmic reticulum and golgibodies in these cells make proteins and remove the follicles. Each molecule of thyroglublin contains 70 tyrosine amino acids that combine with iodine to make thyroid hormone. So thyoxine and triiodothyronine hormones are present in the thyroglublin molecule.

The main function of the hormones released by it is to increase the metabolic rate of the body.

1) Increasing the transcription of genes.

Thyroid hormone usually increases the transcription of genes, which leads to the production of more proteins, such as enzymes, structural proteins, transporter proteins, and many other types of proteins.

2) Increase metabolism

 Thyroid hormone increases the metabolism of almost all tissues in the body.

Basal metabolic rate

 Increases their levels by 60 to 100% when they exceed normal levels. This increases food intake for energy and also increases the formation of proteins.

This causes more growth in children.

3) Thyroid hormone and mitochondria

The thyroid hormone increases the number of mitochondria, the size and the surface area. As a result, ATP is produced in large quantities, giving the cell more energy and stimulating the cell's ability to function.

4) Nervous system and thyroid hormone

When the levels of thyroid hormones are normal, the nervous system works properly. But if the levels of these hormones increase, it causes

Nervousesness. Anxiety. Paranoia and delusions are born

5) Vitamins and thyroid hormones

Whenever the amount of thyroid hormone increases, the metabolism also increases due to them, so the use of enzymes also increases. And enzyme and

 Vitamins are needed to make a co-enzyme (non-proteinous part of the enzyme), so the body needs more vitamins.

6) Whenever the amount of thyroid hormone increases, the thyroid hormone increases the weight. Whenever the amount of this hormone is less than normal, it causes weight gain.

7) Thyroid hormone and respiratory function

Whenever the metabolic rate rises, it requires more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide, so thyroid hormone speeds up the process of respiration.

8) Thyroid hormones and the digestive system

The secretion of digestive juices is increased due to thyroid hormone and at the same time the motility of the digestive system increases.

9) Thyroid hormones and muscles

Whenever there is a slight increase in the amount of thyroid hormone, the ability of the muscles to work increases.

10) Thyroid hormones and sleep

As a result of the effect of thyroid hormone on nerves and muscles and hyperthyroidism, there is often a feeling of tiredness and excitement of synapsis which disturbs sleep.

11) Thyroid hormones and sexual function

For normal sexual function, thyroid hormone levels must be normal


Lack of thyroid hormone can lead to loss of sexual desire and impotence.


Menorrhagia (excessive bleeding) due to depletion of thyroid hormone

 And polymenorrhea (recurrent menstruation)

Lack of thyroid hormone reduces a woman's sexual desire and sometimes

Oligomenorrha and amen  Orrha can also be

What is thyroid gland? Its various functions and diseases caused by it

This is the last link in a series in which we will try to find out about the diseases caused by thyroid gland hormones.


When the thyroid gland secretes more thyroid hormone than normal, the process is called hyperthyroidism.

Causes of hyperthyroidism

1) Toxic goiter


In patients with hyperthyroidism, the size of the thyroid gland increases two to three times, leading to a dramatic increase in the number of cells in the thyroid gland, as well as an increase in the secretion of hormones from each cell. Which increases the secretion of thyroid hormone by 5-15 sins.

2) graves disease


This is the most common form of hyperthyroidism caused by autoimmune diseases. In this disease, antibodies called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSIs) are formed which attach to the same receptor that normally attaches to TSH. Due to its combination, the thyroid gland becomes active again and again, which leads to an increase in thyroid hormone, which in turn leads to hyperthyroidism.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Symptoms include intolerance to heat, excessive sweating, diarrhea, muscle weakness, nervousness and many other psychological problems, extreme fatigue but insomnia.



They suffer from hyperthyroidism, in which the eyeball sometimes protrudes outwards, which is called exopthalmos. The severity of the disease can sometimes lead to blindness. It can also damage the eye. This is because in this disease the eyes do not close completely during sleep or in the blink of an eye. Dry eyes can cause irritation and sometimes infection.




Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland secretes less than normal levels of hormones.

Endemic Goiter



Means an enlargement of the thyroid gland.

About 50 ml of iodine is needed every year for the thyroid gland to function properly. However, in some areas there is a deficiency of iodine in the diet. This deficiency increases the size of the thyroid gland which is called endimac goiter.

Due to iodine deficiency, T3 and T4 hormones cannot be made. In the absence of these hormones, no hormones are present to prevent TSH. Produces large amounts of protein and stores it in the follicles, which increases the size of the thyroid gland. Absence of iodine prevents thyroid hormone from being made into thyroid hormone protein, which causes TSH to constantly activate the thyroid gland. The size of the follicles increases and the size of the thyroid gland increases 10 to 20 times.



It is more common in people who do not have full thyroid hormones. This disease causes swelling under the eyes and swelling of the face. In this disease hyaluronic acid and chondrotitin sulfate combine with proteins to form a gel in the interstitial space which causes interstitial. Increases the amount of fluid. Due to the gel-like property, this liquid solidifies and causes swelling.



The disease is caused by a severe deficiency of thyroid hormone in childhood. The disease is characterized by stunted growth and mental retardation. This disease can be caused either by a lack of iodine in the diet or by this gland. May be due to a genetic disorder.


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